Farm Link

sistem informasi

ini adalah contoh dari yang namanya farm link, jadi sebuah blog digunakan untuk meninggikan jumlah link ke dalam sebuah website, tidak hanya landing page saja akan tetapi kita juga memberikan link ke dalam page-page lain seperti tentang berita sistem informasi.

Banyka hal yang bisa diusahakan selain landing page mereka juga melihat bagaimana sebuah berita sistem informasi  dengan url yang lain.

dan masih ada trik lain yang bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan rating dari web anda, misalkan menggunakan proxy untuk berkali-kali membuka web yang anda buat. hal ini hanya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dari web yang anda miliki.


— Mexico :
Arkeolog Mexico melaporkan,bahwa mereka melakukan penggalian diantara reruntuhan peradaban Aztec. Setelah melakukan penggalian sedalam 300m mereka menemukan kotak surat.
Maka…: Dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa 500 tahun yang lalu, suku Aztec sudah mengenal surat menyurat dalam berkomunikasi.

— Mesir:
Ahli purbakala Mesir yang telah melakukan penggalian di sebelah patung spinx menemukan kabel telepon pada kedalaman 200m.
Maka…. :
Bangsa Mesir mengklaim mereka sudah mengenal telepon sejak jaman King Tut.

— China :
Setelah melakukan penelitian diantara patung Teracota, ditemukan serat kaca.
Bangsa China mengklaim peradaban mereka lebih maju dari bangsa Mesir, karena sudah mengenal fiber optic sejak dinasti Ming.

— Indonesia :
Dinas purbakala Pemda Magelang yang melakukan penggalian disamping candi Borobudur sampai kedalaman 100 meter tidak menemukan apa-apa.
Dilanjutkan sampai kedalaman 500meter lalu 1000meter.
Mereka tetap tidak menemukan sesuatu selain tanah dan batu.
Maka …:
Kemudian mereka mengambil kesimpulan, bahwa bangsa Indonesia ternyata paling maju dari bangsa-bangsa di dunia.
Karena …:
Sejak jaman dinasti Saylendra bangsa kita sudah menggunakan …. teknologi wireless.

Apa ngga huebaatttt tuh ?? :p~~ hahahahaha.

Father Job

A grade school teacher was asking his pupils what their parents did for a living. “Tim, you be first. What does your mother do all day?” Tim stood up and proudly said “She’s a doctor.”

“That’s wonderful. How about you, Amy?” Amy shyly stood up, scuffed her feet and said “My father is a mailman.”

“Thank you, Amy” said the teacher. “What does your parent do, Billy?”

Billy proudly stood up and announced “My daddy plays piano in a whorehouse.” The teacher was aghast and went to Billy’s house and rang the bell. Billy’s father answered the door.

The teacher explained what his son had said and demanded an explanation. Billy’s dad said “I’m actually a system programmer specializing in TCP/IP communication protocol on UNIX systems. How can I explain a thing like that to a seven-year-old?”

All we need is a leader

“Why do people litter?”

first of all people sometimes unconsciously drop their garbage, when other people see garbage lay at the street they also unconsciously tell their mind it’s okay to litter here because there’s someone else did. that’s why i’ll recommend that you start pick the garbage and throw it in recycle bin, people who see you will follow you and when the street is clean other people will think “i will keep this street clean”.

and yes, sometimes there’s someone who will always litter without thinking and this someone will be the leader for other people to litter. and you can be the one who clean without thinking and you should be the leader.

discard bad habit and make new good habit^^

Tiga Insinyur Berada Dalam Mobil Mogok

Ada Tiga Orang Insinyur Bearada dalam sebuah Mobil. Insinyur Elektro, Insinyur Kimia dan Insinyur Komputer. Tiba tiba Mobil Mereka Mogok dan Ketiga Insinyur tersebut saling Berpandangan.

Insinyur Elektro menyarankan agar Kabel di mobil semua di copot dan satu per satu di cek, kabel mana yang mengalami masalah.

Insinyur Kimia menyarankan agar diadakan pengecekan di bensin karena mungkin sekali bensin tersebut telah mengalami penggumpalan dan menyumbat saluran bensin.

Insinyur Komputer dengan Percaya diri menyarankan Mengapa kita tidak menutup semua jendela (window) lalu matikan mesin, nyalakan lagi mesin dan buka kembali semua window? ini sering berhasil.

last will

The miser knew he was dying and he wanted to take his $30,000 life saving with him when he goes.
He summon his 3 friends to his bedside. He knew he could trust them, but not completely as to entrust the entire sum to any one of them. So he split the savings to the 3 of them, $10,000 each, with instructions that they should put the money into his coffin when he being buried. The 3 men, a priest, a policeman, and a lawyer, solemly agreed to do so.
The miser, was then reliefed, he knew that they would do as he bid, or at least one of them would, and he would have his money even onto death.

Soon he passed away.

After the miser was buried, the 3 men stood together and looked at the ground.
The priest said: ” I have a confession to make, you know the $10,000, I think it is a waste to put all that money into the coffin, so I took $1,000 and put the rest into the coffin.”

The policeman said shamefully: “I too thought the same way, but I took $5,000 and put the rest into the coffin.”

The lawyer declared: “I am ashamed of the two of you.”
And proudly said: ” I…. put in a cheque for the full amount.”

Bean and Einstein

Enstein as a teacher
Bean as Enstein’s student

Enstein : Bean if you cannot answer my Question you will give 10 cents to me But if I cannot answer your
question I will give you $500
Bean : Okay
Enstein : First Question How much the distance the sun from the earth?

Bean silence and give Einstein 10cent

Now Bean’s turn

Bean : Sir What is something that go to the mountain by 3 legs , swimming by 5 leg and flying by 7 leg?

Enstein panic using his internet and called his smart friend
A Hour later Einstein give Bean $500

Einstein : so kid what is something that go to the mountain by 3 leg , swimming by 5 leg and flying by 7 leg?

Bean silence then he give his teacher 10cent

Einstein : …………………..



Name of Pupil: POPEYE

Age: 6

Dear Admiral Popeye,

I am sorry to tell you that your son has been caught fighting in the playground yet again. And, once again, poor little Bluto was the victim, with your son being egged on by that big lump Olive Oyl.

Frankly, Admiral, your son is a bad influence. How many other 6 year olds have tattoos on their arms and smoke a pipe? No wonder he has such a croaky voice.

I have come to the conclusion that your son’s aggressive behaviour was something to do with his diet. He’s not eating the right sort of food. I ask you,. spinach sandwiches every day: It can’t be good for him. Yes, I know you’ll say he gets two kilos of cream buns in his sandwich crate as well, but he doesn’t touch those. They’re all gobbled up by the already overweight Olive Oyl.

My strategy from now on is going to be simple. I’m going to give Popeye’s spinach sandwiches and cream buns to weedy little Bluto. This should make all the difference. Popeye should stop being so aggressive and Olive Oyl get a lot thinner.

Whether or not there’ll be any change in timid little Bluto remains to be seen.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur J. Swee’pea
Year Counsellor